Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's All Good!

What a beautiful day it is here in Northern Arizona. We are experiencing our first real snow of the season and it's happening even BEFORE Christmas! All of our decorations are up except for the tree, we've had homemade hot chocolate and popcorn, and my 6 year old daughter has bundled up and went outside only to typically come back in 5 minutes later "freeeezing" (said with a shiver) and is now contentedly warming up while watching Santa Clause III.
When I realize how content I am with my life my prayer is that I don't become so content that I forget about those less fortunate than ourselves--homeless, military away from home, a gajillion hurting and lonely people--the list can go on and on and really be discouraging except for one thing: Knowing that the One for whom we even celebrate this Christmas season is just a prayer away.
I may be one little person in this grand universe, but if I can make a difference in one more little person in this grand universe then I can honestly say,

It's All Good!

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