Monday, April 21, 2008

Priority Called Me!

I love blogging. I love all my blogging friends who have been nothing but an encouragement to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You all are the greatest!

Unfortunately, because I enjoy blogging so much, the homefront has become just a little bit neglected. I don't want my home to become like the one described in my previous post , so some action is necessary.

Therefore, I am taking Mondays off from blogging...PLEASE SOMEONE, ANYONE STOP ME...I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS...but, alas, priority called.

The call went something like this: Hello, this is Ms. Priority calling, am I speaking to the lady of the house? Me: That would be me. Ms. P.: I understand you're having trouble balancing your time in Blogland with duties at home, is that correct? Me (furtively looking around thinking how does she know?): Uhhh... Ms. P.: I believe I can be of help. First of all, I would like you to go and read your previous post... Me: I can do that... Ms. P: 10 times. Me: WHAT? Ms. P: Just do it, lady. Me: Be back in ten...o.k. I'm back...anything ELSE? Ms. P: Now, let's take a walk thru your own home...

And you get the picture!

OK, so beginning next Monday...RRRING...RRRING...This is Mr. PROCRASTINATION calling!

It's All MS. PRIORITY Good!


  1. It can be demanding. If I missed a few days there is so much to catch up on. A day off is always a good idea...what...are you talking to me?...alas I think so. Thanks.

  2. I got a few of those calls lately myself and have had to back away from the blog a bit to take care of some neglected housework. Got some things done but have more to do....

    Good luck meeting your goals and see you when you get back! ;o)

    Love and hugs,


  3. I think that is a great idea to pick a day to take a break. I think I might join in to that idea.
    Good luck with that and thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Hello, I just stopped by to visit... I enjoyed reading about you and your family...And there is nothing wrong with taking care of the home and fmaily...Thank you for visiting me...Enjoyed it.

  5. I understand and I just had a few days off myself. SOmetimes you have to live life so you'll have something to write about Huh!
    Blessings to you!

  6. Boy, I know what you mean. Blogging could get to be a full time thing. I started to say job, but it's not really a job. I guess it's a "thing". My husband does a blog too and he has a hard time getting me off the computer so he can do his thing.
    I'm glad he helps so much with the housework. Since we both retired, he does probably more around the house than I do. I don't have time. I have to blog. (Smile)

  7. blogging is about all I have left,besides sitting in front of the "boob tube".

  8. I can totally relate to what you are saying, I spend way too much blogging but now I have started a part-time job this week so I will not be blogging near as much. I hope to stay in touch every few days. So you go ahead and take Mondays off, I totally understand where you are coming from.

    LeAnn :)

  9. Hi Brenda,
    When you get a chance stop by my blog. I have something there for you. (smile)

  10. Hehe, 20 tabs? I've never attempted that! I'm very much a close them/clean up as you go kinda gal.

  11. You're very welcome and very deserving.


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