Sunday, April 15, 2012

Being Negative

A to Z Badge 2012 (1)

Bugs me.  Period.

It’s All Have a Nice Week Good!


I’m also participating here.


  1. I hear you loud and clear. I am nice and polite to negative people, but I made a decision, or choice, MANY years ago to not spend time with negative people. To me it is depressing and it can also be "catching" if one is not careful. I look for "iron sharpeneth iron" people to surround myself with and have been so blessed with the strong people whom God has always placed around me to help improve and strengthen me. NO TIME FOR NEGATIVE PEOPLE.

  2. By the way, I came back to tell you that you once again inspired me to blog today on the word NEGATIVE!!!! Thank you Brenda for being iron in my life!!!

    1. Thanks Susan, I'm sure yours will be a longer post than mine! I was going to expound, then decided to do my nutshell version. Look forward to hearing what you have to say.

  3. me too--negative people really annoy me the older i get!

  4. I strive to be as positive as I can be. Not easy when I'm quite cynical in my outlook. The two sides of me are at constant war.


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