Sunday, September 13, 2015

Once and for All!

I've added my weight-loss accountability ticker to the top of the page. It's out there now. My current weight and my goal weight.

I've been seriously plugging away at losing 22 pounds this year. So far I've lost 10. This summer I seemed to bounce back and forth, not really making any progress. I know part of the fluctuation has been water retention (there is no way I can gain 3 pounds overnight), but the other part has been willingly opening my mouth and inserting food (but not 3 pounds worth!) I guess sometimes a person needs to learn how to shut their mouth!

At the beginning of the year I started a Facebook page called Staying on Task. I wanted to have a place where I could log my progress and be accountable. But the page isn't only for those wanting to lose weight. It is meant for anyone who has a goal they are trying to reach. Sometimes it helps to have a community of friends who encourage you to keep pushing forward one step at a time. I like the saying, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." That is the purpose of this page--taking your goal and breaking it down into bite-sized pieces. Feel free to join the page if you're on Facebook.

I've started using the My Fitness Pal app that my brother told me about. I also read about it on Barbara's Stray Thoughts blog. So far it seems user friendly. It has me set at losing one pound a week. My goal is to be done with this by the end of the year--almost 16 weeks.


It's All 12 pounds to goal Good!



  1. It always helps when we have set a goal to have others to walk with us on the journey and to hold us accountable. Praying God's best for you, Brenda!

  2. Thanks for the mention! Good for you for having lost 10 lbs! I need to lose more like 100+. That seems daunting and long but, as someone else has said, if it takes a year or more, that's ok. In a year I'll be weigh that much less, which is better than weighing the same or more in a year by not doing anything. I was horrified recently that I got up to a weight I have never been at before and never thought I would be at. Just looked in on your Facebook group and decided to give it a try.


Thanks for taking the time to visit with me. I enjoy your comments very much. :)