Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Page from My Life - UM

A couple of months ago I began sharing some of my entries in my journaling notebook. It's my personal journaling challenge to try and get a page done in 15 minutes. You can read more about it in my first post  A Page from My Life 1.

This entry came to me after attending a Colorado Municipal League (CML) conference this past summer in Breakenridge. 

How many times do I say "Um" in my conversations? It really got me to asking that question about myself after listening to three days of seminars where nearly every speaker would say it to fill silence between thoughts. 

I began listening to myself in my conversations and, yes, I do it too. So I decided to work on it. Because what is wrong with a silent pause between thoughts? Does a void always need to be filled with some kind of utterance? Or is it a way of telling another person or persons that we're not finished speaking? I don't know. 

At any rate, this became the topic for my 15 minute journal page. How many "Um's" do you see?

Items used:

Scrapbook paper. I love tearing my paper. That way I don't have to measure, and my mistakes look like they're done on purpose.
Stickers in various sizes and fonts

There you have it. I've let you into my head again!

Um...It's All Good!



  1. You really made a great point and gave me lots to think about. "Because what is wrong with a silent pause between thoughts? Does a void always need to be filled with some kind of utterance? " Those two statements are speaking to me! UM...I do it too.

  2. I love your "15 minute" posts, Brenda. "Um" can be very annoying when someone overuses it, but seems like so many of us are uncomfortable with silence.

  3. When I talk to someone and all I hear is 'um', I tend to stop listening. Hope the new week will be good to you.

  4. Fun post! I found 8 ums....

  5. Thanks for stopping by to say, "hello"! Very interesting post - I probably say, um, way more often than I would like to think. Gives me something to think about and work on! Your scrapbook page is very cute, I love the purple and red together!


Thanks for taking the time to visit with me. I enjoy your comments very much. :)