Sunday, September 6, 2015

Big Brother Breakfast and Old Shark Teeth

Staying at my brother's home is better than staying in a bed-and-breakfast. Yesterday, homemade blueberry pancakes, sausage and eggs. This morning green chili-smothered eggs and fried potatoes with tortillas. I'm supposed to weigh-in on my Staying On Task FB page when I get home. I'm scared!

Yesterday I mentioned that we were going to visit Palo Duro Canyon in 'Amarilla'. You can see the picture on yesterday's post because mine didn't turn out well. It was very hot, so we didn't get out to hike, but we did drive down in. We went through the museum/gift shop, and I laughed and couldn't help taking this pic to prove that there really are people out there that believe this stuff. 12-16 million year old prehistoric shark teeth? Haha! Use your head folks! Cracks me up how there's a four-million year difference there. I would think they would've run out of shark teeth to sell long before 2015!

The evening was spent visiting and relaxing in the porch swing with a homemade chocolate chip milkshake and later snacking on hummus and pita chips. 

The unfortunate downside of this quick trip is Grace coming down with a bug. She got feverish tonight, so I had her downing warm tea, some elderberry syrup for her throat/fever and peppermint oil to help her breath. There is nothing like your own bed when you're sick, so I know she is looking forward to heading home tomorrow.

It's All Home Bound Good!



  1. You've had so many good laughs on this trip, Brenda! So sorry to hear about Grace--sayin' a prayer for her. It's never fun to be sick but doubly bad when away from home.

    1. We have Pam. My brother and I have so much fun together like only siblings can. Yes, as much fun as it was to go, Grace was definitely happy to be home.

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  2. Glad you have had such a nice time. We laugh when we hear the millions of years things too, along with the fact that these things just happened...
    Hope Grace feels better quickly!

    1. Yeah, like Poof!
      Grace is feeling better. Being home now is helping.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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